Tuesday, 13 July 2010

the library

i recently read a post on this blog http://mumudesign.typepad.com/mumu_design/ , it was a kind of reminder for me, first of all it reminded me that i had a few books out which were now overdrawn (oops), also it reminded me of what a wonderful place the library is.

it's a place that feeds the imagination

that fulfills your passions
that helps you work together

that brings out the investigative side of you

that caters for all ages

that gets you reading even if you don't want to

that lets you discover your interests

and i just found out today that our library will be running a summer reading challenge, where the kids will get a certificate and a medal plus loads of other stuff, if they can read six books over the summer, finally my kids are excited about reading, i just hope it lasts!

what a bonus!


  1. as salaamu `alaykum!

    My kind of place :) There isn't a library where I am presently based but we make do with second-hand bookstores. I'll link up to your blog in shaa Allah so I can visit regularly.

  2. Asalaamu alaykum sis,

    Masha'Allah aren't libraries so peaceful? I remember before being a mum I used to make trips to the library with a Mushaaf in hand, find myself a cosy corner and share Allahs beautufil words with the library :-)

    Umm Fatimah

  3. oh my god, i feel like doing that right now!

  4. Assalaamu Alaikum. Oh this makes me envy you : ), No such libraries over here so far!! Yes indeed Libraries make a big difference! Happy summer reading sis!!
