another job that i have done today is clean out the compost bin on my allotment. i want to start making my own compost for next year, i'm quite excited about this as i haven't really attempted this before and another thing that excites me is the fact that i won't have to bin all my vegetable peelings etc (forgive me if im boring you talking about compost, but i can't help it, i'm excited).
and as the whether was soooooo glorious we invited some of the family along and had good old picnic and everything else that comes along with a picnic, bike riding, tree climbing, children wondering off in all directions and finishing off with a water fight!
LOL at getting excited about composting...but I totally understand! I was so excited about getting my compost bin- a year on...well it's not so exciting, a bit yucky with all the slugs and woodlice creeping about inside BUT I’m still looking forward to superior homemade compost and the reduction in our rubbish is brilliant- I am never comfortable about the amount that gets chucked into landfills.